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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  December 10, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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last night. a driver reported two people lining in the street bound and gagged and severely injured. >> the mane was unconscious. the female was semi-conscious. >> reporter: the female victim is in life threatening condition. police declined to comment. >> my mother she just started yelling saying there is somebody in the street. she was frantic. >> reporter: one neighbor described paramedics trying to save the victims. >> shocking to see. we didn't know why they were there. one was a female. one was a man. >> reporter: neighbors are speculating about the identities and why they were found here. >> very scary. whoever did this, it was
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planned and they knew what they respect doing. they were trying to say something to somebody. >> reporter: investigators are not talking about a motive or a message being -- message being sent. anyone with information can call or text police. david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. police in oakland spent the fran tracking robbery sus-- in afternoon tracking robbery suspects. traffic in the area slowed to a crawl as a result. news chopper 2 was over head as one of the men was taken into custody. pipe bomb found today in front of a elementary school. police cleared the area and brought in the bomb squad who
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safely disposed the of device. police are turning to the public to help identify who shot and killed two people inside their home this week, leaving their child unharmed. police began receiving called about 12:45 a.m. yesterday afternoon that shots were fired. they found the two dead from gun shot wounds. police say it was not a murder- suicide. but aside from that they have little information about the killer or killers. the woman convicted of killing michelle le learned her punishment today. giselle esteban was sentenced to 25 years to life. prosecutors said giselle esteban killed michelle le in may 2011 in the belief that michelle le was having a relationship with the father of giselle esteban's daughter. >> not what is right but it is the most they can do.
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and we -- we are glad justice has been served. >> prosecutors say giselle esteban waited for michelle le in a parking lot before attacking her and dumping her body. >> a judge approved a amendment to join two cases together against the man accused of killing sierra lamar. the judgep ordered antolin garcia-torres to return -- judge ordered antolin garcia- torres to return to court wednesday to enter a police in the case. new at 6:00 p.m., the bay bridge toll plaza is about to get a face lift as part of the grand opening of the eastern span. ktvu's consumer editor tom vacar joins us with how the transformation may or may not effecting your commute. tom? >> reporter: commuters paid for this $6.5 million project a long time ago but now it will
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happen very, very soon. >> reporter: for commuters the toll plaza is a familiar site. that look will soon change. >> the exterior will get replaced with panels and they will be in a white culler to watch the -- color to match the building and that is designed to compliment the white color of the new east span of the bay bridge so there is a consistent design them. >> reporter: those colors coordinate with the cargo cranes that port of oakland. it would happen between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. >> the inconvenient will be small. the work is being done up above the traffic lanes. >> reporter: at the last gas station we asked commuters if the need was there and the expense justified. >> give oakland a signature. i think that is terrific.
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we all need good beautiful places to live. >> i think it looks like as it is. i wish they would spend money on fixing the pot holes in the freeway and stuff like that. >> reporter: building a new toll plaza was deemed unnecessary, special if and when the human toll takers are are replaced. consumer editor tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. police are looking for someone who drove into a donut shop and made off with an atm. it happened at susan's donuts. police say the thief broke the atm into pieces and stole the cash. employees found shattered glass all over and says it hurt their business today.
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>> people come, customers come, say thaw and they go -- saw and they go around. >> police are looking at surveillance video hoping to identify those responsible. release at the pumps. gas prices dropped 7 cents. san francisco has the highest local price at $3.71 a gallon. oakland $3.59. and in san jose $3.57. stocks ended the day on a upnote. the dow is up 14 to 13,169. the nasdaq is up 8 at 2,986. the s&p is up 0.48 at 1,418. 346 no signs the white house or speaker of the house john boehner are getting closer to reaching a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff. john boehner says last week's offer stands and it doesn't
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include higher tax rates on the wealthy. the white house says there can't be a deal without the increase. >> people are disgusted at the notion of a fiscal cliff took their feelings to the streets today. [ singing ] >> 75 protesters rallied downtown at noon and the raging grannies sang. the demonstration was organized by the american dream counsel and they are asking the public to contact john boehner. >> we are focusing our rally on john boehner and asking him to pay attention to what is good for the country instead of protecting himself. >> the group says they will target any lawmaker who tries to cut a deal over the fiscal
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cliff. thousands will pause saturday to remember those who lost their lives serving our country. [ bagpipes playing ] >> the kickoff was held today at the state capttle. -- capital. >> makes you quietly think that, one, you are glad to be an american, you have to say thank you to these individuals who gave their service to the country. >> 400,000 wreaths are expected to be placed this weekend. vandals hit a radio station for a third time and knock it off the air. how they got around the alarm
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system. >> how low temperatures will drop and when rain returns to the bay area. a teen says he was given days to live, the gift that saved his life. ays have my favorite coffee?
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well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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today she is reunited with the man who received her son's organ donation. his image will be added to the donate life float at the tournament of roses. his liver saved his life who is using his new found life to get more people to sign up to be
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organ donor. >> he is my hero. i do this for his parents. >> gives me strength and hope and love and makes me want to do more. >> he is a freshman at the university of san francisco and will ride on the float january 1 in pasadena. continuing coverage on a story we brought you on the misuse of funds that port of oakland. ktvu channel 2 news has got an internal audit. ktvu's noelle walker joins us live to break it down. >> reporter: this is the port of oakland's internal audit. ktvu channel 2 news has been asking for this because it details spending abuses. >> reporter: today ktvu received a audit that details officials misusing funds. some may have broken state and
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federal laws. we spoke with the director. >> we have talked to the federal agencies because of our concern and we look forward to addressing those issues. >> the audit says some of the credit card holders skirted limits. spending more than $67,000 in gifts. $50,000 in expenses may expose the port to tax liabilities and more than $19,400,000 in questionable port expenses that included a concert and more internal controls are needed. spending limits are too high and some are letting other staff use their visas. management's response? they don't have enough
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resources for review of expense reports. >> it is something we take seriously and are not going to close our eyes tour. we will make sure mistakes are not repeated. >> the retirement of the director was announced today. ktvu learned they have reimbursed the port $5,400 for money spent at two strip clubs. the investigation notes one in houston and a second club revealed today in minneapolis. >> reporter: the port's former director who announced his retirement today will get to keep his pension. noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. pictures out of san leandro where two men escaped this
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inferno. it happened this morning. officials say wires sparked this fire. when firefighters arrived they found a tractor-trailer on fire. the two people inside managed to escape and they are doing okay tonight. a commuter radio station is off the air because vandals struck again. for the third time since august the broadcast tower has been vandalized and the owners think they are being targeted. ktvu's ken pritchett is live to explain why. ken? >> reporter: one reason they feel like they are targeted is because this transmitter is on private property. it is hard to get to. this happened last week and it may knock the station off the air for a month. >> reporter: it is the kind of place where they still spin
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records. the music is playing but not over the air. >> internet. since our recent vandalism. >> reporter: it was to this wooden shed. to get here you have to drive a bumpy dirt road. he took us on the drive to the mountain top. >> this is what they did the first time. >> reporter: two times since august they broke through this door. david put on an alarm so this time they found another way. >> they took a drill. >> then it appear this used a saw and went -- appears they used a saw and went through. once inside the mystery begins. they left behind valuable radio equipment but they took two devices that charge charge the badries -- that charge the
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batteries. he is not sure how they got up here but after three times he is convinced, someone intended his station to go dark. >> reporter: he has filed a police report. the computer is attempting to raise money. the damage set at $8,000. the problem is not just repairs but seeing to it this does not happen again. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. crab boats remain docked in san francisco tonight. fisherman spent the day in meetings to discuss whether to discuss a offer or stand firm. no word on whether they decided anything. the boats have been docked since last sunday when fish brokers announced they were dropping the price to under $3 a pound.
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>> stormy weather is still causing problems for homeowners. in oakland a tree came crashing down this morning on a house. the resident was at home at the time. >> 15 minutes later a cop showed up. >> he didn't realize how bad the damage was till he went outside. high winds and erosion played a role in this tree that came crashing down. we have clear skies now. fall will form tonight and high clouds tomorrow. those high clouds will lead to a chance of sprinkles into the early morning hours on your wednesday. morning commute will be wet.
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that could be a mess. these are the highs from today. significant, right? 71 oakland. 71 hayward. you don't expect that this time of year. so we are above average. tomorrow temperatures shave down but they are not -- still in the low 60s and then they drop off. over night lows, patchy valley fog. temperatures in the 30s. 38 livermore. 43 san jose. over night low. tomorrow is fog in the valley, patchy fog around here. and then as the system comes in the clouds increase. by tomorrow night late we are looking at sprinkles, showers. this just got enough going on it will drop maybe an 10th of an inch in san francisco. most of us quarter inch to a 10
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10th of an inch. the models do this, 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, coastal fog, and valley fog. as we get into the afternoon, more clouds. no rain on the afternoon commute. this deal, 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night, sprinkles showing up. then the road is wet. 1:00 a.m., the roads are wet. 4:00 a.m., most is gone. showers at 9:00 a.m. and then it clears out. that is how it looks. i don't expect a lot of wind and rain but i expect wet on wednesday and that is a big deal. they start bright and early at 4:30 a.m., but it is tough to call this a storm after what we have seen. but the big thing, big drop in
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temperatures, 50s. >> quick turn around. so nice today. >> really nice. >> at least i don't have to water. thank you. bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36, a new round of violence leave as man hospitalized. the victim's ties to another man shot and killed over the weekend and the tragic end in the search for a boater who disappeared over the weekend. join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36. a 49er gets suspended for tweets. who it is and what he said and from the bad to the good when it comes to the 9ers, players play christmas elves for children in need.
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o?oowq only $29 a month for six months. because we know how much you do to make the holidays just right. from ornaments to ottomans, memories are made with ikea.
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at today's turning wheels for kids event in san francisco, 49ers players teamed up to put together bikes for children. 49 baker bikes and helmets -- bikes and helmets will be given away. >> good to see. joe is in for mark.
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he has more on the 49ers and yesterday's win. >> absolutely. interesting final three weeks for the 49ers. they are the number two playoff sees in the nfc but have connective road games against newland and seattle. colin kaepernick is entrenched as the starting quarterback. the 49ers were slow getting plays called and executed. forced them to burn their time outs, a topic jim harbaugh addressed. >> that happened observe before -- happened before. and we have to call the play, break the huddle, get set. >> one other 49er news, brandon jacobs has been suspended for the rest of the season. he had a successful first pre- season game, his knee was
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injured in the second game against houston. he has been inactive and made a series of social media posts. making team issues public does not sit well with the 49ers. >> a familiar story, build a successful program and the bigger schools with the bigger wallets will grab you. he took over a program that had gone 2-10 in 2009. this year they are 10-2, ranked 24th in the nation and headed to the military bowl. colorado offered him a 5 year contract. he inherits a team that went 1- 11. the worst season in colorado's history. hockey fans, due to the lock out, the league announced the league wiped out everything through the first of the year. warriors playing tonight,
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trying to win their fourth straight on their road trip. >> how much longer before they cancel the whole season? >> they are getting close to that. regular season wraps up in april. then you have four months left. [ talking at the same time ] >> got to play at least 50 games -- >> i would assume. >> thank you very much. earlier we told you about a pipeb bomb -- pipe bomb that was found at a school, ktvu's ken wayne has been talking with neighbors and police who are connecting the find ito something -- find to something that happened this weekend. we will have that report tonight at 10:00 p.m. plus much, much more. hope you will join us. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news.
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